Terms & Conditions

By accessing Replay Poker ("Replay Poker") you are indicating your agreement to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms, leave Replay Poker immediately. If you have any questions, please contact us at: [email protected].

Last updated: 4th September 2024


1.1 Replay Poker is owned and operated by Replay Digital Ltd. In these terms, references to ��we��, ��us�� or ��Replay Digital�� are references to Replay Digital Ltd.

1.2 Replay Poker is currently hosted on a third party website (www.desertdrama.com) at the following web address: www.desertdrama.com/replaypoker/ (��Replay URL Folder��).

For the avoidance of doubt, Replay Digital only owns and operates Replay Poker and any associated webpages under the Replay URL Folder. We are not involved with, or responsible for, any other webpages on www.desertdrama.com. Such other webpages are operated by CG Holdings Ltd and subject to the website��s wider Terms of service and Privacy policy (as hyperlinked).

1.3 Replay Poker is also available to download as a mobile application. However, while Replay Poker may be made available to download on the Apple App Store and/or the Google Play Store (each a ��Store��), neither Stores are in any way involved with the operation of Replay Poker.

1.4 Replay Poker is a social free-to-play poker game. We do not purport to provide gambling facilities and therefore are not licensed and regulated by any gambling authority.


2.1 These Terms contain the rules applicable to Replay Poker, and therefore govern your contractual relationship with us and any activity on Replay Poker. We would encourage you to read the Terms carefully, but in particular, we wish to draw your attention to Clause 10 which limits our liability.

2.2 It is important that you read these Terms fully as when you open an account with us (��Account��) and access Replay Poker you confirm that you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not wish to accept these Terms then please navigate away from Replay Poker and do not complete your registration or further access your Account, as we will consider any such actions as your unqualified acceptance of these Terms. If you have any questions about the Terms, please contact us using the email address at the top of this page.

2.3 We may change the Terms from time to time. If we deem any such change to be material in nature, we will take reasonable steps to bring the change to your attention by either email or a notification within your Account. If you do not accept the revised Terms, you will not be permitted to continue to play Replay Poker.

2.4 In addition to these terms, the following also apply to your use of Replay Poker:

2.4.1 Our Privacy Policy (which includes our Cookie Policy)

2.4.2 Our Community Playbook.


3.1 You must register an Account to access and play Replay Poker.

3.2 To be eligible to register an Account (and play Replay Poker), you must:

3.2.1 be at least 18 years of age (or the minimum legal age to play Replay Poker where you reside, if higher);

3.2.2 not have an existing account (only one account permitted per person);

3.2.3 be opening the account on your own behalf and not for any other person; and

3.2.4 not be located in a ��Restricted Territory�� (see clause 3.3 below) or any jurisdiction where Replay Poker is unlawful.

3.3 Our current Restricted Territories are: Cuba, Italy, Iran, North Korea, Syria and Russia.

3.4 You warrant that the details you supply us upon registration are correct and in no way false, inaccurate or misleading and remain so for the duration of your membership.

3.5 You further warrant that you will continue to meet the eligibility requirements in Clause 3.2 for as long as your Account remains open and will promptly inform us if you no longer meet any of the requirements.

3.6 All applications to register an Account with Replay Poker are subject to our permission at all times and may be refused or withdrawn at any time. We shall not be obliged to give reasons for any refusal of registration nor for any suspension, or cancellation of, your Account.

3.7 When you register an Account with us, you will be invited to set-up a username and password. You agree that:

3.7.1 we can, at our discretion, include your username on poker tables, in our forums when you post and in leaderboards of contests you enter, and that we can publish screenshots of the aforementioned on our website, our social media channels, in news/blog articles, any other location that you might reasonably expect, and permit our partners to do the same;

3.7.2 you will not choose a username which incorporates personally identifiable information (i.e. your name or a unique nickname) if you do not want your Account to be personally identifiable on our poker tables and leaderboards;

3.7.3 you will not choose a username which is of offensive or unacceptable description / nature and if you do then we (in our sole discretion) can change your username or suspend or close your Account;

3.7.4 it is and remains your responsibility to keep your own Account login details safe, secure and up-to-date and not to share, or make them known to anyone else (whether directly or through inadvertence on your part, and including e.g. any ��pre-filled�� or ��stored�� logins on any personal device); and

3.7.5 it is and remains your responsibility to ensure the security of any device used to access your Account (including both ��good practice�� measures such as locking your screens and employing appropriate access controls and anti-virus protections).

3.8 You further agree that we cannot and will not be held responsible, nor legally liable, for any unauthorised (or authorised) use of your Account login, device, or payment details where we are not ourselves clearly at fault.

3.9 You agree that we may process, use, record and disclose personal information which you provide in connection with your registration and that such personal data may be recorded by us and shared with third parties in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

3.10 It is and remains prohibited for any players to sell, transfer, and/or acquire Accounts from any other individual. We may close any Accounts, confiscate Chips and void any necessary transactions or withdrawals where we know or reasonably suspect that you have done so.

3.11 We reserve the right at any time and for whatever reason, to suspend or close your Account, restrict your access to Replay Poker, confiscate Chips and/or block/reverse transactions if you are found to be (or if we reasonably suspect you are) in breach of these Terms.

3.12 You can deactivate your Account at any time through your Account settings when logged in.


4.1 All play on Replay Poker is conducted through the use of a virtual currency called ��Chips��.

4.2 The availability and utilisation of Chips is subject to sole control of Replay Digital and may change from time to time. Chips can only be used currently to participate in social poker games on Replay Poker through which Chips can be won or lost.

4.3 When you access and play Replay Poker, you may accumulate Chips free-of-charge in a number of ways including (but not limited to): (i) upon registering your Account; (ii) by completing certain tasks such as logging in; and (iii) winning poker hands on the tables.

4.4 You may also at your discretion purchase additional Chips. In respect of each purchase of Chips:

4.4.1 all such payments made are final and non-refundable (regardless whether or not you use the Chips or your Account is subsequently deactivated / deleted); and

4.4.2 any purchase made via an app store will be subject to the applicable app store terms.

4.5 All Chips accumulated, whether obtained free-of-charge or purchased, have no monetary value and are not exchangeable or redeemable for cash.

4.6 You should therefore only collect and accumulate Chips on a recreational basis for the purpose of using them on Replay Poker, and not in any circumstance accumulate Chips for the ��profit��, any kind of monetary return, or long term use beyond Replay Poker as is.

4.7 You may not sell, transfer or gift your Chips to any other person other than through bona fide (i.e. genuine, rule-abiding) play in social poker games on Replay Poker.

4.8 We may remove any Chips obtained in breach of these Terms from your Account. As Chips have no monetary value, no refunds or compensation will be available for Chips removed or for Accounts suspended or closed, regardless whether such Chips were purchased or obtained free-of-charge. It is therefore important that you ensure your compliance with these Terms.


5.1 Replay Poker presently offers a premium membership by way of a subscription which can be purchased on either a monthly or annual basis (��Premium Membership��).

5.2 Upon taking out a subscription, the applicable monthly or annual subscription fee (��Subscription Fee��), will be immediately billed to your chosen payment method. After payment of the Fee has cleared, your subscription will activate and you will receive immediate access to the subscription benefits advertised (��Subscription Start Date��).

5.3 All subscriptions automatically re-new unless cancelled. If you have monthly subscription, the subscription will automatically renew and payment will be taken from the nominated payment method each month on the same day as the Subscription Start Date (e.g. if you subscribe on 10 April then payment will be taken on 10 May, 10 June, and so on) and if you have a yearly subscription, the subscription will automatically renew and payment will be taken on the anniversary of the Subscription Start Date (e.g. if you subscribe on 10 April 2024 then payment will be taken on 10 April 2025, 10 April 2026, and so on) (��Subscription Renewal Date��). In the event that your Account is deactivated or closed on the Subscription Renewal Date, the subscription will not automatically renew and payment will not be taken. If payment is accidentally taken, please contact customer support for a refund.

5.4 You may cancel a subscription at any time. If you cancel a subscription before the Subscription Renewal Date then the subscription will automatically end at the end of the current subscription period and it will not automatically renew. You will not receive or be eligible for a refund of any previous Fees paid.

5.4.1 Please note that the timezone used on Replay Poker is UTC. Therefore to cancel your subscription before the Subscription Renewal Date, you must cancel the subscription by 23:59 UTC on the day before the Subscription Renewal Date. If you wish to cancel your subscription, we recommend doing so in as far advance as possible to avoid any risk that the cancellation does not go through on time (e.g. due to internet connectivity issues). If you experience any issues in cancelling, please contact customer support.

5.5 The availability of the Premium Membership may be modified by us at any time, including changing the Fee, the benefits included or completely withdrawing the subscription, by providing 30 days�� advance notice:

5.5.1 In the event that the benefits included in the Premium Membership are modified and any existing benefits are removed or decreased then we may either:

(a) maintain your existing subscription benefits until your next Subscription Renewal Date, after which if your subscription continues you shall be deemed to have accepted the new subscription benefits; or

(b) change the existing subscription benefits at the end of the 30 day notice period (or any later date that we choose) and provide you with the option to either continue with the new subscription benefits or to immediately end your subscription and receive a pro rata refund of Fee paid in respect of a period for which subscription benefits were not received.

5.5.2 In the event that benefits included in the Premium Membership are modified but the modifications are only in addition to the existing benefits then you shall have no additional rights to end your subscription. Your standard right to end your subscription at the next Subscription Renewal Date remains unaffected.

5.5.3 In the event that a subscription package is ended entirely they we may either:

(a) maintain your existing subscription benefits until your next Subscription Renewal Date, upon which your subscription shall automatically end and not automatically renew; or

(b) end your existing subscription at the end of the 30 day notice period (or any later date that we choose) and provide you with a pro rata refund of the Fee to reflect the period for which subscription benefits were not received.

For the avoidance of doubt, if you do not end your subscription after receiving notice of modifications, you will be deemed to have accepted the notified changes.


6.1 The game rules that apply to play on the poker tables at Replay Poker are set out elsewhere on our website. In particular, our Poker and Tournament ��help�� pages set out general game rules on how certain games of poker and tournaments operate. Furthermore, our Community Playbook sets out our general code of conduct. We encourage you to check the applicable rules before playing.

6.2 In addition to the above, the following rules apply to all play on Replay Poker:

6.2.1 It is expressly prohibited to use Replay Poker to wager or otherwise play for real money prizes or anything else of value that is not available through the Replay Poker ecosystem.

6.2.2 It is not permitted to use Replay Poker for commercial purposes without our prior written consent. This includes, but is not limited to, organizing poker games on Replay Poker for a group of persons from another website or forum.

6.2.3 It is prohibited to engage in any play that may be considered (by us, at our sole discretion) to be unethical (including, without limitation, team play, soft play, sale of chips between players, chip dumping or the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools).

6.2.4 It is prohibited to use a proxy, vpn or any other method to conceal your location for the purpose of circumventing any geographical restrictions on Replay Poker.

In the event that you breach the rules above, we will consider this a material breach of these Terms and reserve the right to immediately suspend or close your Account and / or confiscate Chips obtained in connection with any breach.

6.3 From time to time, technical malfunctions or human errors may occur which affect Replay Poker (��Malfunction(s)��). In some cases, Malfunctions may not be apparent or detectable by you and/or us until after the event. Malfunctions include (but are not limited to): (i) malfunctions and/or errors relating to underlying mechanics and maths; (ii) malfunctions and/or errors relating to disconnections and/or internet or server outages�� and (iii) errors in the scoring of poker games on Replay Poker (e.g. the wrong user was declared the winner of the hand). You agree that you will inform us of any Malfunctions you become aware of as soon as possible and you should not seek to exploit a Malfunction, and/or encourage anyone else to do the same.


An important part of Replay Poker is its community of players. This community is able to interact with each other through various means including (but not limited to) through our community forums, private messages and the chat function on poker tables (��Community Content��). In order to enable and safeguard the community, a small number of terms as set out in this section apply to any Community Content posted on Replay Poker.

7.1 Any Community Content posted by you must be respectful, of good nature and not:

7.1.1 be rude, obscene, misleading, offensive, hateful, inflammatory, insulting, threatening, harassing, spam, discriminating or otherwise harmful;

7.1.2 include any personally identifying or other private information about another Replay Poker user (i.e. no ��doxxing��);

7.1.3 encourage other users to gamble beyond their means or otherwise in an irresponsible way;

7.1.4 contain any content that would be considered a criminal offence, or which encourages the committing of such, in either England or the country in which you are located (including, but not limited to, in relation to racism, fraud, money laundering, terrorism and unlawful gambling);

7.1.5 contain or promote sexually explicit material or nudity;

7.1.6 infringe intellectual property rights of any other person (including, but not limited to, material that infringes copyright, database rights or trade marks); or

7.1.7 contain any advertising or promote any services or web links to other websites or businesses.

7.2 By posting Community Content on Replay Poker, you warrant that you have full legal right to post such Community Content and that such Community Content does not:

7.2.1 infringe any intellectual property rights of any person or entity;

7.2.2 violate any law or regulation worldwide; or

7.2.3 amount to disclosure of confidential information owned by a third party.

7.3 Upon posting any Community Content, you grant Replay Digital a perpetual, irrevocable, transferable, sublicensable, worldwide license to access, use, exploit, distribute, display, copy, modify and create derivative works based upon such Community Content, all without compensation. You further agree to waive all moral rights in such Community Content.

7.4 By accessing Replay Poker, you may see Community Content posted by other users. Please note that Replay Digital does not undertake to routinely monitor and moderate its Community Content and therefore any Community Content that you see has not been verified or approved by us and that the views expressed by other users on Replay Poker do not represent our views or values. If you come across any Community Content that is in breach of these Terms, please report this to us via the email address set out at the start of these Terms.

7.5 Notwithstanding that Replay Digital does not undertake (and is under no obligation) to routinely monitor and moderate its Community Content, it may (at its sole discretion) choose to edit, remove or restrict access to Community Content posted.

7.6 In the event that you breach any of the posting rules set out in Clause 7.1 above, we reserve the right (in our sole discretion) to issue warnings or, in the event of more serious breaches, suspend or close your Account. In accordance with Clause 4.8, no refunds or compensation will be given for Chips lost as a result of a breach of these Terms.


8.1 We do not guarantee that Replay Poker, or any content on it, will always be available or will be uninterrupted or error free.

8.2 Your access to Replay Poker may be suspended or withdrawn for business and operational reasons.

8.3 Because of the nature of the Internet, Replay Poker is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. We are not responsible to you for any error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission or other failure to make available Replay Poker.


9.1 Replay Poker may contain links to websites which are not under the control of and are not maintained by us including, but not limited to, any other webpages on www.desertdrama.com that do not fall within the Replay URL Folder. These links are provided for your convenience only, and we are not responsible for the content or security of those websites. Replay Digital does not warrant, represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the information, content, advertisements or any third party site and content contained on, distributed through or linked, downloaded or accessed from the Site, nor the quality of any products, services, information or other materials displayed, purchased or obtained by you as a result of an advertisement or any other information or offer on or in connection with Replay Poker.

9.2 From time to time, we may include links to online gambling websites on Replay Poker:

9.2.1 In the event that such links are posted, they should not be considered to be an endorsement of any such online gambling provider or online gambling in general.

9.2.2 Such links are only intended for and directed at persons located in jurisdictions where accessing such online gambling websites is lawful. We recommend that you check your local laws before gambling online and to only gamble in accordance with the applicable law.

9.2.3 Visiting any such online gambling websites via the links provided is at your own discretion and risk. Nothing on Replay Poker shall be considered to be professional gambling advice. Gambling (including in real money poker games) is inherently risky and can result in financial loss �C there is no guarantee that information on Replay Poker, or practicing in free-to-play poker games on Replay Poker, will mitigate the risk of incurring loss while gambling.

9.2.4 We recommend that you only gamble within your means and we do not encourage you to risk more than you can afford to gamble in a way that may have a negative impact on your life. If you think that your gambling may have a negative impact, we recommend that you consult with a local organization that provides support to problem gamblers.

9.2.5 Replay Digital shall not be deemed responsible for any losses incurred (or expect a proportion of profits made) by you whilst wagering on online gambling websites. You agree that Replay Digital, as well our directors, officers, employees, contractors, affiliated companies, or agents shall not be liable in any way for any losses incurred by you from gambling.

9.3 You may link to Replay Poker, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it. However, you must not establish a link in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on our part where none exists. We reserve the right to withdraw linking permission without notice.


10.1 We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors and for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

10.2 Please note that we only provide our site for domestic and private use. You agree not to use our site for any commercial or business purposes, and we have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.

10.3 The content on Replay Poker is for general information only. It is not intended to amount to advice on which you should rely. We shall not be liable for any losses incurred (or expect a proportion of profits obtained) by you from accessing and/or relying on our content. This includes, but is not limited to, use of poker strategies described on Replay Poker in real money games and any Community Content.

10.4 We do not guarantee that our site will be secure or free from bugs or viruses.

10.5 You agree to fulfil all commitments made on your Account and in these Terms and agree that, if you do not, we may legitimately withhold, adjust, or set-off Chips balances, payments on/to/or from your Account in the event that you do not do so.

10.6 You acknowledge that if you make a payment to purchase Chips or a Subscription, this costs money and that there is no guarantee that virtual items obtained in return for the purchase will be available to your in perpetuity.

10.7 We and our officers, directors, staff and contractors (including our group companies where and if applicable) will (to the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws) not be liable to you for any loss, damage, or legal claim(s),whether in contract, tort (including negligence) breach of statutory or regulatory duties, or otherwise, which arise from or are connected to any indirect losses, arising from your use of Replay Poker including:

10.7.1 loss of profit or goodwill;

10.7.2 loss of amenity;

10.7.3 disappointment and/or loss of any expected benefit; and/or

10.7.4 ancillary sums expended in expectation of, or further to, a certain game result or outcome on Replay Poker.

10.8 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing you agree (to the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws) to indemnify us (i.e. make a legally enforceable promise to pay us upon request) for any and all losses, liabilities, costs, claims or damages that we and our officers directors employees or contractors may suffer or incur as a consequence of your breach of these Terms.

10.9 You agree (to the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws) that in the event of a dispute our maximum liability to you is and will be limited to the higher of:

10.9.1 the value of money you paid directly in connection with the subject matter of the dispute (if none, this will be ��0.00);

10.9.2 the amount of ��100.


11.1 We are the owner or the licensee of all intellectual property rights on Replay Poker, and in the material published on it (including, without limitation, all code, in-game currency, scripts, gameplay, game results, images, audio-visual effects and all other material that attributes copyright) (��Replay IPR��). Those works are protected by appropriate registrations and applicable laws and treaties. All such rights are reserved.

11.2 You are granted a simple limited and revocable licence to use such Replay IPR for the sole purpose of accessing and playing on Replay Poker via your Account in accordance with these Terms. That licence is fully conditioned upon your ongoing compliance with these Terms and subsists for as long as you are permitted access to your Account by us, whereafter it automatically ends. This licence is personal to you and does not give you any ownership rights in anything on Replay Poker (including, without limitation, Replay Poker Chips on your Account). No other rights whether, express or implied, are or will be granted to you.

11.3 You agree that you shall not, copy, adapt, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, distribute, republish modify, use, or interfere with, ��hack�� or otherwise seek to compromise Replay Poker (and any related software game or data) or any part of it. You confirm that any attempt to do so shall be considered a serious breach of these Terms justifying immediate termination and closure of your Account and/or such other action (including but not limited to legal action) as we may see fit.

11.4 You must not use any part of the content on our site for commercial purposes without obtaining a licence to do so from us or our licensors.


12.1 We shall not be in breach of these Terms nor liable for a delay in performing, or failing to perform, any of our obligations under these Terms if such delay or failure results from events, circumstances or causes beyond our reasonable control.

12.2 Our failure or delay in enforcing or partially enforcing any term of these Terms shall not be interpreted as a waiver of any of our rights or remedies. No single or partial exercise of such right or remedy shall preclude or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy.

12.3 If any court or competent authority finds that any provision (or part provision) of these Terms is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision or part provision shall, to the extent required, be deemed deleted and the validity or enforceability of any other provisions of the Terms shall to the extent required be deemed to be deleted, and the validity and enforceability of any other provisions of this agreement shall not be affected.

12.4 The Terms are between you and us. We may transfer or assign our rights and obligations to you under these terms (for example to another of our group companies or to third party companies in the event of business sale), but you cannot.

12.5 To the extent that these Terms are provided any in language other than English, this will be for reference only. In the event of any differences between the English version of these Terms and any non-English versions, the English language version shall prevail.

12.6 These Terms, their subject matter and their formation, are governed by English law. The parties agree that the courts of England and Wales will have exclusive jurisdiction.

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